Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Top 12 of 2012

I can't say this year has been a breeze. In fact, it's been far from easy. My sister lost her sweet baby girl in April, my mom has continued to battle cancer, and, although extremely insignificant compared to these two, I've struggled with post-partum depression.
I can say, however, that this year has immensely helped me grow as an individual and I'm thankful for so many blessings I've received this year. Sometimes I tend to focus on the negative, especially when my family is on the verge of losing our dear and beloved mother. But Adam reminds me daily that we have had a wonderful year full of adventures, family, and even small miracles. Here is our top 12 of 2012:

-Our baby boy Max was born June 25th. Couldn't be more grateful for him, we love him so much. 
-Hawaii trip in January with the Chandler and Nicoli clan.
-Trip to D.C. to see all the sites and visit Adam's aunt and uncle. They were so much fun!
-Having my mom here in Colorado for 3 weeks. We did lots of shopping and hiking to induce labor.
-My (Rachel's) graduation in April with B.A. in International Relations....finally!
-Max's baby blessing, and having both our families come out, which was awesome!
-San Diego trip with my parents and sister and brother in law.
-Completely finishing our tile project, which took over a year. Much thanks to Spencer for helping!
-Walking the strip in Vegas at 8 months pregnant.
-Max "hiking" the petroglyphs in St George TWICE before he turned 6 months.
-A really sweet Christmas with all of the Chandlers/Nicolis and my grandparents.
-Max giggling for the first time. Baby laughs are the best!

This year has been a roller coaster of events and emotions, but we are so grateful for all the family (and friend) support we received. Love you all, and we look forward to another great year!

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